Summary of False Bay

There are three essential items needed for a late night excursion to False Bay: rubber boots, headlamp, and a tolerant nose. When I first walked out onto the mudflat, I was completely surprised at how extensive the mudflat was. I had no idea that practically the entire bay could become …

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Bull Kelp

Growing up I remember being entertained on my outings to the beach by Bull Kelp. Dragging the long whips along the beach and puncturing the bulbs to hear the sound of the gas escaping. Until recently I have never thought of the functionality of this whip like algae that wash ashore.  After …

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Holy Sea Cow!

Undoubtedly the darlings of Pacific Northwest megafauna, whales have captured our imagination for centuries.  Vicious killers, gentle grazers, awe-inspiring and reverent, whales have filled human culture with imagery and lore that persists to this day.  But are whales truly the first and only  ’monster-mammals’ of the Salish Sea?  I undertook …

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The porpoise of hybridization

It’s a MONSTER!! …well, that might be a bit extreme.  But the hybridization between Dall’s (Phocoenoides dalli) and Harbour (Phocoena phocoena) porpoises struck me as both rare and strange. Dall’s and Harbour porpoise morphology. Few good images of Dall’s-Harbour hybrids are freely distributed. Natural hybridization between wild animals of different …

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